The Ampersand Inn Living Room The Ampersand Inn Pool

These packages and combinations can be added before finalizing your reservation.
Please call us for additional information as necessary.

Massage Therapy with Deborah Connolly

Private Reflexology and Swedish Massage sessions are provided in the privacy of your room. Advance booking is generally required in order to accommodate guest plans.

No matter where you are on your journey, your feet have carried you every step of the way…….give your feet a reflexology treatment. Reflexology will drain the tension from your entire body. A Swedish massage will address all the major stress areas from head to toe.

  • 30 Minute Reflexology $70
  • 60 Minute Swedish $110
  • 90 Minute Combination $160
  • 60 Minute Couples (30 mins each) $140

Deborah Connolly, LMT, CMLDT

Debbie brings more than 25 years of massage experience and passion for her work to the Ampersand. Massage dates need to be cross checked with the Therapist’s availability. We will do our best to schedule for your selected time and date.  When booking your reservation, please indicate the length of time and number of people in which you have an interest. You can call the Ampersand or contact us in order to request a particular time or ask related questions.


We have two bikes (men’s and women’s) that you may borrow for two hours (no charge). When booking your reservation, please indicate your interest in using the bikes. You can select the ride time upon check-in based upon availability and number of other bike requests we receive.

Hall’s Work Remote Room

In response to several requests to work remotely after check-out at 11 a.m., we have designated one room to accommodate individual guest needs for quiet office space. Free Wi-fi and coffee/tea/snacks are available in an office setting that includes a couch and reading chair, large desk, and charging ports. Learn more

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