Newark Airport Pick Up/Drop Off & Venues in Sussex County
The following individuals offer driving services to/from Newark Airport as well as to local venues in Sussex County. Please note that pricing may vary depending on the number of people in one’s party, time of day, amount of luggage, type of licensing and insurance coverage levels. For example, travel to/from EWR may range from $85 to $150. Please contact these companies to get further information related to your booking – reminder to ask what form of payment they accept (some are cash only). The Ampersand Inn makes no representations regarding these driving services and has obtained their contact information from local social media recommendations. Guests are responsible for checking pricing, licensing, insurance, etc. in advance of booking.
Uber & Lyft
Uber and Lyft services are sometimes available depending on the time of day.
American Elite 973.917.4949
D.A.D.S. Taxi & Limo 973.579.3516
Dean Matienzo 973.886.3778
Dan Pojedinec 973.975.9631 (text only)
Sparta Limousine 1.800.729.LIMO
State Shuttle 973.347.3144
Sussexpress Transportation Shuttle Services 800.946.4390